上海世博中心位于黄浦江东岸2010年上海世博会中心。 该中心拥有众多交通选择,方便您前往上海的任何地点。 官方酒店 有关官方酒店的信息和预订链接将于2019年初公布。
Shanghai Expo Centre
No. 1500 Shibo Avenue
Shanghai, China
The Shanghai Expo Centre is located in the heart of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo site on the east side of the Huangpu River. The center is conveniently surrounded by numerous transportation options to get you to and from any location in Shanghai.

请参见KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China 2019 场地 + 差旅页面来获取酒店及差旅信息
Please reference the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China 2019 Venue + Travel page for hotel and travel information.
Important: The Linux Foundation will never reach out to attendees by phone to make hotel reservations for our conferences. Please be advised that the most secure way to book in our discounted room block is by using the direct booking like provided above, or by calling the hotel directly. If you do receive a phone call from someone claiming to be with The Linux Foundation or the hotel and they attempt to sell you a hotel room, please email us at events@cncf.io.
If you have any questions related to the room block or conference hotel, please email housing@linuxfoundation.org.